Recycled DVD/CD Art & Jewelry Tutorial

You can do a Google search and find many things, especially on Pinterest to create from old CDs/DVDs. I found out a while ago that they are too thick to cut with a Pick punch on it's own. It needs to be split in half. I figured this out my accident, while cutting a DVD down the middle. It popped in two and to my delight I could finally cut it with ease. I tried separating the two layers with nail files, pins, and it was basically impossible. So don't bother trying to split it, just cut it down the middle. Other folks have noticed this too. Check out my tips & tricks blog entry for Making Vinyl Art!

How to make jewelry/art out of CDs and DVDs:
- Get old used DVDs, like the kind you burn data on. CDs really can't be cut down they same way but still can be made into things.
- The best way to successfully cut shapes (guitar picks with a Pick Punch) is to first split DVD by cutting it down the center. It pretty much just pops apart!
- Then put a segment in the Pick Punch and take care when punching because it can start crunching! DVD material is obviously pretty delicate, but with pretty results!
Melting CDsCD/DVD Mosaic
My Tips & Tricks for DIY Crafts on Pinterest
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